MOD 620

荒唐分局 第6季

Brooklyn 9-9 (S6)
2019/05/03起 每週五 21:00 與美同日首播

金獎影集《荒唐分局》最新第6季隆重登場,保證帶來最棒 的內容!這部單機拍攝喜劇影集描述一位才華洋溢,但性格脫線,不拘小節的警探因新局長上任而必須證明自身能力。

警探傑克(安迪山伯格飾)是位從不努力工作或是循規蹈矩, 但都能達標的能幹警探;然而新任局長Ray Holt(安德魯.布瑞 格飾)上任報到,要求傑克得尊重這份職業要有警察的榮譽 感,開始一連串雞飛狗跳,笑料不斷的事件,最新一季會有什麼發展,敬請鎖定收看。

Award-winning Brooklyn Nine-Nine is back for it's sixth season and it promises to be the best yet! This single-camera ensemble comedy is about what happens when a talented, but carefree, detective gets a new captain with a lot to prove. Detective Jake Peralta (Samberg) is a good enough cop that he's never had to work that hard or follow the rules too closely. That is, until the precinct gets a new commanding officer, Captain Ray Holt (Braugher), who reminds this hotshot cop to respect the badge.
