MOD 620


Ready For Love

尋找愛情:《慾望師奶》女星伊娃·朗格莉亞親自挑選出想追尋真愛的三名美國黃金單身漢。在三名世界頂尖紅娘的協助下,本節目帶觀眾展開前所未見的浪漫旅程,直到三位候選女性勝出與「就是白樂團」團員Tim Lopez、慈善家Ernesto Arguello及事業成功的銀行家Ben Patton進行配對。由名流夫婦Bill和Giuliana Rancic主持的全新交友配對型態節目將充滿各種驚喜,從最初的臉書搜尋開始(首開實境節目先例),本節目將讓觀眾一路喝彩期待直到最後結局,將試圖解答一個亙古的問題:你願意為尋找靈魂伴侶付出多少?


Looking for love: Three of America’s most eligible bachelors, handpicked by Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria, are embarking on a search for true love. Aided by the three best matchmakers in the world, the series takes you on a romantic journey like never before to narrow down the list of women until three remain for Plain White T’s band member Tim Lopez, philanthropist Ernesto Arguello and successful banker Ben Patton.  Many surprises await in this innovative new dating competition hosted by power couple Bill and Giuliana Rancic. From the beginnings of the search on Facebook (a first in reality TV), Ready for Love will keep you cheering and hoping, right up to the intense finale which will answer the age-old question: How far would you go to find your soul mate?


角色介紹 Characters

就是白樂團成員 Tim Lopez

Tim Lopez

就是白樂團成員 Tim Lopez 坦承自己是無可救藥的浪漫主義者。這就是他音樂創作的靈感來源,幫他寫出許多好作品。在加州聖塔芭芭拉長大,家裡有父母和一個哥哥與妹妹。曾有過一段十一年的感情,交往八年,結婚三年,但最終還是分手收場。他的感情生活因長時間巡迴演出的關係付出慘痛的代價,往往都會漸行漸遠。儘管如此,他還嚮往婚姻生活,希望能有段長遠穩定的關係,以結婚和生小孩為目標交往。

Plain White T's band member Tim Lopez admits to being a hopeless romantic his entire life. It is what drives his creativity and makes him so good at what he does. Growing up in Santa Barbara, California, he was blessed with amazing parents and an older brother and younger sister. After an 11-year romance - three of which were spent married - Lopez and his first love called it quits. The distance while on tour took a heavy toll on his relationship, and the couple slowly grew apart. Despite the difficulties, Lopez loved being married and believes he is finally in a great place to be in a healthy relationship where marriage and kids will play the lead role.

慈善家Ernesto Arguello

Ernesto Arguello

慈善家Ernesto Arguello為古巴和尼加拉瓜難民之子,Ernesto Arguello的父母對他和其他四個手足依舊灌輸了嚴格的教育。他們家裡重視教育,強調付出奉獻,一起讓世界變得更美好。出身德州,父親當時在攻讀博士,之後舉家搬到宏都拉斯生活,一直到他申請上邁阿密大學。他自此在邁阿密定居,成為事業有成的公共建築工程師和開始投入心力創建慈善組織,成為慈善家。和兄弟一起成立的慈善組織幫助第三世界人民,包括他的祖國尼加拉瓜,興建住處家園。

The son of Cuban and Nicaraguan refugees, Ernesto Arguello's parents instilled very strong values in him and his four siblings. There was a large emphasis on education and making the world a better place by giving back and being of service.  Born in Texas during the time his father studied for his PhD, Arguello moved with his family back to Honduras, where he was raised until he attended the University of Miami for college. He has been in Miami ever since, where he has a successful career as a civil and architectural engineer and has parlayed his talents into a philanthropic organization. The organization that he created with his brother helps create functional safe housing for people in Third World countries, such as his homeland of Nicaragua.

金融家Ben Patton

Ben Patton

金融家Ben Patton在賓州大學獲得環境系統工程和經濟學位後,Ben Patton就開始出社會就職,搬到紐約成為投資銀行員。之後靠人脈關係迅速到德州為Perot家族工作。然而很快地按捺不住想創業的念頭,開始和兄弟開創自身事業。在那之前,他19歲就開始投資股票獲利,在24歲就開始賣出公寓。他和兄弟打造了總部在杜拜的海運公司,此外,Ben也獲邀幫阿布達比皇室工作,成為最年輕的主權財富基金的管理者。

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with degrees in systems engineering and economics, Ben Patton immersed himself in the world of business and moved to New York to begin work as an investment banker. His quick assentation led him to work with the Perot family in Texas; however the entrepreneurial spirit soon took over, and he began opening businesses with his brother. Prior to this, Ben began acquiring investment properties when he was 19 and developed and sold his own apartment complex at the young age of 24. Soon after that, he and his brother built a maritime shipping company headquartered in Dubai. Further, while working abroad, Ben was asked to work for the royal family of Abu Dhabi and became the youngest investment manager at the sovereign wealth fund.