MOD 620


Prime Suspect

兇殺案調查員Jane Timoney (Maria Bello飾)新調職到充滿男性本位主義的紐約轄區重案調查分隊,她的任務不只是追尋破案線索及與嫌疑鬥智,亦要證明自己的能力不比其他男同事弱勢,證明女性也可與男人平起平坐—就算充滿危機,她也勇者無懼。然而她複雜的私生活和過去成為了障礙。雖然自信、專注、做事嚴謹但偶爾魯莽的Jane的過去充滿著流言及疑問,不過身為一名出色的幹探,從來沒有忘記自己的使命:捍衛正義,緝拿罪犯。


In Prime Suspect, Maria Bello stars as tough-as-nails NYPD Homicide Detective Jane Timoney, an outsider who has just transferred to a new squad where her new colleagues already dislike her. Jane is confident and focused - and also rude, abrupt and occasionally reckless. She has her vices, and rumors of a questionable past follow her everywhere - but at the end of the day she's an instinctively brilliant cop who can't be distracted from the only important thing: the prime suspect.


角色介紹 Characters

探員 Augie Blando

Tim Griffin

Tim Griffin在劇中飾演分隊男性成員小團體的一員Augie,極力阻止Jane介入他心中男人們的分隊。公認是位多才多藝,在好萊塢闖出一片天的演員。他的首部突破代表作是與珍妮佛康納利(Jennifer Connelly)及勞倫斯費許朋(Laurence Fishburne)合演的《校園大衝突》(Higher Learning)。他參與演出的劇情片包括《鋼鐵人》(Iron Man)、《星際爭霸戰》(Star Trek)、《神鬼認證2:神鬼疑雲》(Bourne Supremacy)、《愛情達陣》(Leatherheads)、《超異能部隊》(The Men Who Stare at Goat)s及《柯洛弗檔案》(Cloverfield)。他現在拍攝驚慄片《夜魔》(The Collector)的續集”The Collection”以及將會演出”Abduction”。

Tim Griffin stars as Detective Augie Blando, another member of the Beef Trust who doesn’t want Jane interfering in his precious department. Griffin has solidified his reputation as one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors. His first break was in “Higher Learning” alongside Jennifer Connelly and Laurence Fishburne. His feature films include “Iron Man”, “Star Trek”, “Bourne Supremacy”, “Leatherheads”, “The Men Who Stare at Goats” and “Cloverfield”. He is currently filming “The Collection”, a sequel to the horror film “The Collector” and will appear in the upcoming “Abduction”.

探員 Evrard Velerio

Damon Gupton

Damon Gupton 飾演 Evrard Velerio警探,是Jane認識了很久的好朋友及重案調查分隊的新成員。他的電視演出包括NBC的《法網遊龍》(Law and Order)、《法網遊龍:犯案動機》(Law and Order: Criminal Intent)、《非凡女警》(The Unusuals)、”Conviction”、”Third Watch”及”Drif”,他也是”Deadline”劇組主要演員。電影方面,他曾演出《出軌》(Unfaithful)、《奔向終點》(The Loretta Claiborne Story)、”Helen at Risk”及Sidney Lumet導演的《魔鬼知道你死前》(Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead)。

Damon Gupton stars as Detective Evrard Velerio, a longtime friend of Jane’s (Maria Bello) and new member of the homicide department. His television credits include NBC’s “Law and Order”, “Law and Order Criminal Intent”, “The Unusuals”, “Conviction”, “Third Watch”, “Drift”, as well as starring as a principal cast member in “Deadline”. On film, he appeared in “Unfaithful”, “The Loretta Claiborne Story”, “Helen at Risk” and Sidney Lumet’s “Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead”.

探員 Reg Duffy

Brian O’bryne

Brian O’bryne飾演探員Reg Duffy,隊上男性成員小團體的一員,非常討厭Jane。曾獲得Tony Award最佳男主角的愛爾蘭演員,最近演出包括《未來閃影》”Flash Forward”及迷你影集《幻士浮生》”Mildred Pierce”。O’Bryne亦在影集《情異無價》(Brotherhood)擔任重要角色。他的電影演出包括《料理絕配》(No Reservations)、”The International”、”Brooklyn’s Finest”及《魔鬼知道你死前》(Before The Devil Knows You're Dead)。

Brian O’Bryne starts as Detective Reg Duffy, one of the Beef Trust and very vocal about his dislike of Jane. O’bryne is a Tony Award-winning Irish actor and was most recently seen on “Flash Forward” and in the miniseries“Mildred Pierce”. O’Byrne also appeared as a series regular on “Brotherhood”. His big screen credits include “The International”, “Brooklyn’s Finest”, “No Reservations” and “Before The Devil Knows You're Dead”.

探員 Luisito Calderon

Kirk Acevedo

Kirk Acevedo飾演Luisito Calderon幹探,他是一名前足球員,在兇案組中很有影響力。 Acevedo 的成名作是在影集”Oz”飾演Miguel Alvarez,並獲得有線電視傑出獎的提名,還連續3次獲得 Alma Award的提名。最近,Acevedo演出頗受好評的熱門影集《危機邊緣》(Fringe),Acevedo亦曾演出迷你影集《諾曼第大空降》(Band Of Brothers)。

Kirk Acevedo stars as Detective Luisito Calderon, former football player and hard hitting homicide detective. Acevedo is best known for his Cable Ace-nominated performance as Miguel Alvarez in the drama “Oz”, for which he received three Alma Award nominations in a row. Recently, Acevedo has been seen on television in the hit series “Fringe”. Acevedo also starred in the acclaimed mini-series ”Band Of Brothers”.

警長 Kevin Sweeney

Aidan Quinn

Aidan Quinn在本劇中飾演Jane的上司,為隊上男性小團體的一員,喜歡Jane卻不承認。他的成名作包括《魂歸傷膝股》(Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee)及”An Early Frost”,兩齣電視劇都為他帶來艾美獎提名。Quinn主演過逾50部電影,如《神秘約會》(Desperately Seeking Susan)、《阿瓦隆》(Avalon)、《帥哥嬌娃》(Benny and Joon)、《真愛一世情》(Legends of the Fall)、《魔鬼諜報員》(The Assignment)、《狙擊陌生人》(Unknown)、”At Play in the Fields of the Lord”及”Songcatcher”。他稍後的電影作品有”If I Were You”及”Sarah’s Key”。

Jane’s Boss. Sweeney is a member of The Beef Trust but also has Jane’s best interests at heart. He looks out for her but won’t admit it. His numerous television credits include “An Early Frost” and “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”, both of which garnered him Emmy nominations. Quinn has starred in more than 50 feature films, among them “Desperately Seeking Susan”, “Avalon”, “Benny and Joon”, “Legends of the Fall”, “The Assignment”, “Unknown”, “At Play in the Fields of the Lord” and “Songcatcher”. His upcoming film projects: “If I Were You” and “Sarah’s Key”.

探員 Jane Timoney

Maria Bello

Maria在本劇中飾演女主角Jane Timoney,一位剛調職到男性為主的重案調查分隊,隊上的男同事對她充滿懷疑,處處挖苦。Maria曾演出過許多不同性格的角色,如《鬼牌逆轉勝》(The Cooler,獲金球獎及及美國演員工會獎的提名)及David Cronenberg的《暴力效應》(A History of Violence,獲得紐約電影評論會大獎及金球獎提名)。近期演出有Adam Sandler的備受好評的喜劇《亞當等大人》(Grown Ups)及戲劇《企業風暴》(The Company Men),接著亦會演出“Beautiful Boy”及“Abduction”。

Tough-as-nails NYPD Homicide Detective Jane Timoney is an outsider who has just transferred to a new squad where her new colleagues already dislike her. Maria Bello has captivated audiences with her many diverse roles in such films as “The Cooler” (Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award nominations) and David Cronenberg’s “A History of Violence” (NY Film Critics Award win and Golden Globe nomination). More recently Bello appeared in the Adam Sandler hit comedy “Grown Ups” and the drama “The Company Men”. Upcoming features include “Beautiful Boy” and “Abduction”.