MOD 620

諜影迷情 第2季

Covert Affairs (S2)
女孩‧臥底中:活潑動人的女間諜 Annie Walker (Piper Perabo飾)回到工作崗位,在新一季的諜影迷情裡,繼續以其通曉多國語言的技能,在全球不同角落執行任務。Annie上季意外地晉身特務,投身於危機四伏的工作。經過有限的訓練,Annie只有倚靠自己的本能、堅持以及拍檔 Auggie (Christopher Gorham飾) 的指導去完成任務。特務工作非常艱苦, Annie本季將會面對暴徒、在敵方基地運走資產,並且揭露CIA 特工貪污的一面。她的工作肯定不會沉悶!而且Annie 最後向她的姐姐坦白承認她在中央情報局特務的工作。同時, Annie與Auggie在工作上仍是好拍檔 –不過他們會否繼續保持這單純的關係?


Undercover girl. Sassy undercover agent Annie Walker (Piper Perabo) returns to the field, using her exceptional linguistic skills on missions across the globe, in a brand new season of Covert Affairs. Last season, Annie was unexpectedly promoted to field operative and thrust into a world where routine assignments can turn deadly in a split second. With limited training, Annie relies on her uncanny instincts, persistence, and Auggie’s (Christopher Gorham) guidance to get the job done.  Spy work is as tough as it sounds, and Annie still manages to kick ass while taking down mobsters, transporting delicate assets in hostile situations, and of course, exposing corrupt CIA operatives. Her job’s not boring for sure! And Annie finally comes clean to her sister that she’s an undercover at the CIA.  Meanwhile, Auggie is still her right-hand man at the office – but could there be more to their relationship than meets the eye?


角色介紹 Characters

Danielle Brooks

Anne Dudek


A grounded, somewhat earthy yet affluent Georgetown mom, Danielle Brooks (Anne Dudek) is Annie's reliable older sister. While juggling two young daughters and a husband with a high-powered job, Danielle represents the path not taken for Annie, one that's rooted and safe. At times Danielle represents the life fulfilled and at other times she's the cautionary tale. Danielle thinks Annie works too hard and that she needs to move on and start dating again. Danielle is unaware her sister is working at the CIA and while she thinks her sister is emotionally unavailable, it's this exact quality what makes Annie an ideal CIA operative.

Joan Campbell

Kari Matchett


Joan (Kari Matchett) has managed to ascend higher in the CIA than almost any other woman in a male-dominated agency. She's done it with grit, determination and poise. Joan is hard on Annie, her newest employee, because she sees herself in her. Not that she would ever admit it. And Annie doesn't realize that Joan's ferocity comes from a need to protect her, and make her a better agent, not compete with her. Joan is also in the difficult position of being married to her boss, Arthur. Maintaining the boundaries between home and work is a constant challenge for this couple, particularly since Joan suspects that her husband is cheating on her.

Arthur Campbell

Peter Gallagher


Arthur (Peter Gallagher) is the director of the Clandestine Service Department at the CIA. A regal and imposing presence, he loves a good fight whether it's with a known enemy of the United States or verbal sparring with his own wife, Joan, who also works at the Agency. But his bid to bring more transparency to the CIA is at odds with the very covert nature of the organization. Arthur has his supporters but not everyone's on his side, whether they'll admit to it or not. He's in for an uphill battle that's sure to have its casualties.

Jai Wilcox

Sendhil Ramamurthy

第二代接棒的中情局幹員,Jai (Sendhil Ramamurthy飾),之前是耶魯的運動風雲人物。Jai不認輸的態度事實上非常適合金融業,但他選擇當個探員。生性風流倜儻,處處留情,包括國會助 理,中情局同事和去參加好友在冰島雷克雅維克舉辦的單身派對,飛行途中遇到的空姐都是他的約會對象。

A second-generation CIA man, Jai (Sendhil Ramamurthy) was a former lacrosse star at Yale. Jai's hate-to-lose attitude would make him a perfect fit for investment banking, but he's chosen the Agency route instead. He has dated everyone from Congressional staffers to other CIA workers to a flight attendant he met while flying to a buddy's bachelor party in Reykjavik.

Auggies Anderson

Christopher Gorham

前任中情局探員Auggie(Christopher Gorham)在一次任務中因意外失明。現在任職於國家防衛部門的科技部門擔任內勤人員。Auggie了解鮮為人知的中情局組織內的複雜內情。Annie 一來,Auggie很快就知道她的聰明伶俐,結為好友,並且盡其所能幫她。他深深了解Annie,因此願意相信她的直覺。在本季中他和Annie的夥伴關係是否會生變,產生不同的化學變化?

A former CIA special operative, Auggie (Christopher Gorham) was blinded during a mission. He is now heading up the tech ops department within the DPD. Auggie understands the intricacies of the massive bureaucracy of the CIA in a way that few others do. He immediately picks up on Annie's intelligence and takes her under his wing to help her navigate the system. He sees Annie for who she really is and because of that, is willing to follow her instincts.

Annie Walker

Piper Perabo


She may be new to the government's most secretive branch, but 28-year-old Annie Walker (Piper Perabo) has the uncanny instincts, tenacity and persistence that could make this girl-next-door a lethal weapon. Although her first mission unexpectedly ends in a hail of bullets, Annie doesn't get flustered or second-guess her new career path when the Agency unexpectedly promotes her to field operative. If anything, it has made her more determined to be good at her job and see her assignments through.