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Up All Night (S1)
家長陷阱:誰說生兒育女就如同放棄你的私人生活?Reagan Brinkley肯定不是, 她成為媽媽後,拒絕變成相夫教子的黃臉婆。為了保持她成功的事業及「派對女孩」的形象,Reagan立即重回工作崗位,將照顧孩子的任務交給留在家中的丈夫Chris。這個安排比預期中複雜,Reagan及Chris很快意識到孩子令他們「無覺好睡」,而且還要應付諸多要求的老闆及處處逞強的父母。他們還要打仗般幫助孩子換尿布。本劇以甜蜜及有趣的手法看看21世紀父母所承受的壓力。
The parent trap: Who says giving birth means giving up your life? Not career woman and new mom Reagan Brinkley, who’s determined not to become a walking cliché after she gives birth. To hold on to her successful career and party-girl reputation, Reagan goes back to work immediately, leaves the baby in the hands of hubby Chris, now a stay-at-home dad. The arrangement is far from foolproof, as Reagan and Chris quickly learn when a needy boss, know-it-all in-laws, and too many sleepless nights are thrown into the mix. More than just a battle over whose turn it is change the poopy diaper, Up All Night is a sweet, funny look at the pressures of parenting in the 21st century.


角色介紹 Characters


Christina Applegate

Christina Applegate飾演Reagan,一位努力工作,充滿活力的女性,試圖在工作、婚姻和育兒間找到平衡。Christina Applegate熱愛表演、以多變角色在舞台劇、電影和電視圈著名。曾獲得艾美獎、金球獎和東尼獎的提名,她證明自身是好萊塢最具影響力的女伶之一。她成名代表作為經典長壽影集《凡夫俗妻妙寶貝》(Married with Children),在片中飾演美麗,有點刻薄的Kelly Bundy。

Christina Applegate stars as Reagan, a career-driven and energetic woman trying to juggle the demands of career, marriage and motherhood. Christina Applegate has endeared herself to audiences and received accolades for her strength and versatility in theatre, film and television. With Emmy, Golden Globe and Tony nominations to her credit, she has proven herself to be one of Hollywood's most influential leading ladies. Applegate first gained widespread attention as the sexy and sarcastic Kelly Bundy on the long-running series Married with Children.


Will Arnett

Will Arnett本劇飾演Chris,一位有點瘋癲但搞笑幽默的新手爸爸,嘗試調整生活適應當個在家育兒的爸爸。Will資歷豐富,最著名的作品是情境喜劇《Arrested Development》,飾演三季的George ‘Gob' Bluth。Arnett經常在《超級製作人》(30 Rock)客串演出Davon Banks一角。Arnett常紐約和洛杉磯兩地往返,目前住在洛杉磯和妻子Amy Pehler和兩子同住。

Will Arnett stars as Chris, the insanely funny new father trying to adjust to life as a stay-at-home dad. No stranger to television, Arnett is best known for his work on the critically acclaimed sitcom Arrested Development, where he portrayed George ‘Gob' Bluth for three seasons. Arnett frequently guest stars on 30 Rock, playing the role of Devon Banks. Arnett currently splits his time between New York and Los Angeles where he lives with his wife, actress Amy Poehler, and two sons.


Maya Rudolph

Maya Rudolph飾演Ava,Reagan的老闆,一位有野心,但內心脆弱的脫口秀主持人。Rudolph最為人熟知的節目是NBC的《週末夜現場》(Saturday Night Live),為節目超過七年的固定班底成員之一。2000年出道,Rudolph令人津津熱道的模仿包括歐普拉、時尚大師Donatella Versace和惠妮休斯頓。最近參與演出的作品是熱門喜劇電影《伴娘我最大》(Bridemaids)。

Maya Rudolph stars as Ava, Reagan's boss, an ambitious but vulnerable talk-show host. Rudolph is most widely known for her turn on NBC's Saturday Night Live, where she was one of the show's regular players for over seven years. Since her debut in 2000, Rudolph's memorably skewed portrayals include Oprah Winfrey, Donatella Versace and Whitney Houston. Most recently, Rudolph stared in hit comedy Bridesmaids.