


吉祥物萬歲讓現場瘋狂 和頑皮學童打成一片

歐美最優質數位頻道的WOWtv,日前在美國學校春季園遊會設攤位,吸引了上百位民眾到場,所推出的「ASN投球王」和「KidsCo骰子王」遊 戲,受到大小朋友的熱烈歡迎,當天參與玩遊戲的人只要投錢至家扶中心的捐款箱,都可以參加,金額不限,玩遊戲又可以作公益,而且人人有獎,因此大家都躍躍 欲試,最後果然募集到一筆可觀的善款。當天也出動了吉祥物「萬歲」,讓現場小朋友陷入瘋狂,爭相跟吉祥物合影,還有頑皮的學生故意拉扯尾巴和耳朵、搥打, 讓這一頭長著大耳朵的白龍假裝生氣地作勢回擊,現場打成一片,引起圍觀民眾哄堂大笑。

WOWtv participates in Taipei American School Spring Fair

WOWtv went on campus grounds of Taipei American School to promote the launch of WOWtv in Taiwan. Hundreds of faire-goers came to the WOWtv booth to place dice blackjack, perfect throw, and a host of other games. All participants of our games were required to donate at least 1 NTD with all proceeds going to Family Foundation. We also debuted our mascot, Banzai, during the faire, and was an instant crowd favorite. Well, some people actually picked on our adorable Banzai, but he still maintained his poise and dignity.

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