MOD 380


The Noose in Brief
2015/11/16起 每週一,二19:45首播

更大膽、更狂野、更下流!The Noose-in-Brief是知名喜劇節目《新聞大悶鍋》更加調皮的姊妹作,讓觀眾嚐點平常在當地極力推廣標準英語的電視節目中,看不到的俗諺和犬儒主義。我們的新聞記者將繼續以最機車的觀點,探討與所有新加坡人習習相關的議題。

Bolder, wilder and raunchier… The Noose-in-Brief, the naughtier cousin of the popular comedy series, sets to titillate viewers with a healthy dosage of colloquialism, cynicism and expressions not heard on local television since Standard English usurped the throne with a cup of tea. The gung-ho and sometimes sotong reporters will continue to provide a refreshingly irreverent perspective on issues which concern every Singaporean, heart-lander or otherwise.
